What are the effects of holding a grudge?
When someone wrongs us and we choose to hold on to the resulting negative emotion, we are holding a grudge. Grudges result in anger, resentment, and bitterness. Many people think holding a grudge or staying angry at someone is not a problem, but medical research increasingly demonstrates the negative effect it has on our physical and emotional health.
Holding a grudge often results in:
Holding grudges, gives control of our lives to someone else. They have the capacity to impact our daily life, without having any contact with us. And by holding on to the grudge, we freely give them that power.
What are the benefits of forgiving?
On the other hand, letting go of grudges and bitterness makes way for happiness, health and peace. Walking through the forgiveness process in all its elements will enable you to take back control of your life, and open up new horizons.
Letting go will also have a tremendous impact on our physical and emotional health.`Medical science shows us that forgiveness can have the following effects:
Letting go will also have a tremendous impact on our physical and emotional health.`Medical science shows us that forgiveness can have the following effects: